::what's wrong with this world that we're livin' in::other than being a line from a "pop" song, it's quite a valid question. When you take out the killing, violence and other assorted disasters frm any news programme, all you have left is the ad breaks in between stories. And when I pick up the newspaper in the morning, I skip every page that has a picture of a dead body on the ground and I find myself at the back page checking out the latest discounts at the supermarket.
personally, I find it rather depressing. I know I'm not the one caught up in the wake of a cat 4 hurricane or in the middle of two groups of people shooting at each other, but I just don't remember the world being like this back when I was growing up. Who knows it might have just been my naivety, but I doubt it. Without sounding conceited or anything, I believe I was a pretty well informed child growing up. That came from only having one TV and having grandparents that
insisted on watching the news no matter if there was something else better on another channel.
it seems to me that every history book published from now onwards really should have just two main sections, namely
pre- and post-9/11. I'm sure that few people will argue with me when I say that the world has grown much more violent since that day some 4 almost 5 years ago. It may seem like a generalisation to make such a sweeping statement but unlike many other generalisations, it's generally true. Paris, arguable one of the most romantic of cities in the world, is now a haven for teen crime and rioting. Bombings in the centre of historic London. And let's not even bother with the middle east. Have you heard my "Road Map to Peace in the Middle East"? Well, my plan is to erect this massive fencing [preferably electric] around the whole Middle East. a fence that would shadow the Great Wall. We wait for say five years or until you hear no more noise, whichever comes first, and then we take the fence down and get the oil out. By that time, they'd all either have calmed down and settled their differences or wiped each other out. Either way....
PEACE!! simple right?
it's easy to just throw everything onto the media. Oh, the media broadcasts violence to youngsters, etc etc etc. To me that's a load of bovine excrement. It's just a vicious cycle. Face it. Everyone has this deep down
morbid fascination with death, sex, violence and the lot. The media just shows us what attracts our attention which apparently causes us to turn into car burning monsters which just gives broadcasters more violent images to broadcast. And since we watch what we want to, we end up watching people burning cars on TV. So who's fault is it really if not "mass media"?
I say blame it all on the
parents. hah..!! I'm beginning to sound like some idealistic teen punk, no? But I grew up in a family where raised voices were frowned upon and rough housing was definitely out of the question. We were taught to have our own opinions and yet be sensitive to what we say or do that may be offensive to others. As far as I know, none of my family members have started or participated in any major conflict or plotted to commit mass murder. But if you grow up with your parents engaged in an all out war with those people across the imaginary line in the ground, you naturally are born into an environment where violence is just another part of your daily routine. It just goes on and on passed down from generation to generation. Nothing, except a major shift in people's perceptions, is going to change that. Children's minds are like dry sponges. They soak up everything that their parent teach them.
so my argument might be a little simplistic and not really well thought through [that tends happens at two am].
but who can really explain what is happening?