Wednesday, June 21, 2006

:: Depression sets in ::
sigh. At first I was happy to get the RP posting. Two weeks of training and an 8-5 after that. Sounds brilliant. But noooo. The army really is out to suck every possible piece of happiness frm my life. I'm now posted to the Field Defence Squadron which is basically an RP with a fancy name. Another difference is that instead of going through the normal two week RP training course I have to go through a 15 week FDS training course after which I get to do exactly the same duties as an RP. WTF!! This is not my idea of "fun".
I can't say that I've ever hated any sch or training institute that I've been posted to. But now I can. I just feel miserable in that camp. Everything is olive, army green. Serious. Buildings, trees, vehicles. Everything.... It's just totally, utterly and unbearably depressing. Everything there is a dull shade of green and there is no life there at all. In the day, you hardly every see anyone cuz they're all in the hangers and at the airfield. And in the night, you're the only stay-in unit so the whole base is empty cept for my squadron.

BMT is just a phase. POP is a lie of a celebration. ORD is the beginning of a better life. And once you get that magic letter many many years down the road telling you that you are no longer liable to go for reservice, that is the goal.

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