Sunday, June 03, 2007

:: The Magic Number 12 ::
yups. that is the number of stitches that it took to close up the 8cm laceration on my knee. and the "superb" part about it was that we weren't even playing full contact. it was just touch. and the first ball of the game as well. wow Chris. real smart.

have you ever seen your own knee cap before? well I have. and most of the guys that came that day too. well at least they saw MY knee cap.

special thanks to the paramedics, Jonathan Wang and Jeremy Yip. they were very comforting on the ride to the hospital. and to the Doc that stitched me up. nice of her to understand that I wasn't cursing at her as she stitched up the wound. and I think she did a pretty good job. let's just say that if I ever get married, I wouldn't mind her tailoring my wife's dress.

on the plus side (if there is one), I've got 7 days at home to slack off. which really means nothing seeing that I can't even move around to have any "fun".

Oh well. will just have to find something to pass the time a bit.

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