Monday, October 31, 2005

::taking a break::
i'll be taking a big break from blogging for a while. have to finish my As but i'll be back as soon as that's done.

meanwhile. big news. my dog's not a wimp. hrm. okay so it doesn't sound like much. but yeah. it is to me.
lemme explain. see. this morning when i woke up i went to check the computer like i always do and then i hear this hellova noise coming frm my garden. squeaks and barks. i look out the window and see my dog standing over a dead rat. my dog actually hunted down and killed the rat that's been eating from the big sack of dog food that we keep.
went down to gardens after that to buy him some of those dentaclean bones to reward him [and to clean his teeth]. proud of the fella.

so that's about all the new happening in my life. boring i know. but i'll be back on the 16th nov hopefully with much more life in me after the bleeding As are over.

i bid thee a fond farewell.

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