Saturday, December 18, 2004

man only has questions that cannot be truely answered.... none of the many questions that he has abt the world he lives in and the world beyond can't really be answered by his own means....

even in physics... a science.... answers obtained are all based on some assumptions that we have abt the world.... evaluating our assumptions is not as simple as it appears... for our assumptions are based on other assumptions... in the end, is anything that we study really undenyable true.... some may argue that it is proven fact... but who is it proven by... ... it's proven by another man.... another identically flawed human being....

the only 100% truely flawless being that i know of is the Man upstairs... as many refer to Him as.... i trust Him to reveal to us what we need to know, when we need to know it... not before, not after... He has His plans for us and though we might not understand it sometimes, we have to have faith in Him and let ourselves fall into His ever supporting arms....

Mr John Lim was the kind of teacher that you felt you could approach whenever you needed advice... not the kind that you would turn 180 degrees and speed away in the opposite direction the moment you see him coming down the corridor... and that is what made him special... i would have liked to know him better.... to be able to appreciate the kind of man he was... he is no longer physically with us... but i'm sure that every NYJCian will never forget Mr John Lim....
Teacher, Mentor and Friend to all....

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