Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Current Affairs

Was watching News 5 @ 9 last night (for lack of anything better to watch) and was seriously amused by how news in Singapore is nothing but a joke. So I've compiled my top 3 stories of yesterday's new bulletin for your reading pleasure.

3. NHS Dental Services in Britain
The newscaster goes something like, "And the Dental services in Britain are falling into decay" (pun fully intended). The punch line wasn't exactly that funny. What was more funny was the straight face that she had on her face when she said it. I wonder if she even got it.

2. Community Chest awards
Yesterday, the Community Chest gave out a shared award for the two highest donators of the year, the CPF Fund and the PUB. Hah! What a sham.. My grandfather summed it all up. "It's like taking from the right pocket and putting it into the left pocket..... then giving yourself an award for it!"

1. Courtesy Campain
This wasn't on the TV news, rather I heard it in the morning while at the office. SBS Transit has just launched a new campain to encourage motorist to give way to buses exiting bus bays. This campain was ingeniously titled the "Give Way to Buses Exiting Bus Bays" campain. Love it how they underestimate our intelligence. No catchy slogans or jingles. Just straight up. Pfft..

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