Isn't it amazing what a difference a few months can do to the view. How can you talk about changing the world and making it a better place when this is happening in your own backyard. I say, do your own laundry before offering to do someone else's.
I just feel that it might be best to tackle the short term problems and help each country to clean up their act than to try taking on something that's too big for the general population to comprehend. It's like learning something new. You can't just say "I want to learn a new language" and just go out and learn it. You'll burn out of the initial enthusiasm way too soon. You've got to tackle the smaller problems baby step by baby step. Get a text book. Find a teacher or instructor. Learn chapter by chapter till you are finally fluent in a new language.
Live Earth showed image after image of places far away that were greatly in need of help but I feel that it would have been more impactful of they had shown each and every country that they visited the things that were going on in their very own country. Not to diss the Live Earth project [they've gotten enough flaming from elsewhere] but it was rather unmoving to see something happening thousands of kilometres away. YES! I agree that environmental degradation is a worldwide problem. But the effect of what's going on in Brazil's rain forests won't affect me till decades down the line. Something that is happening just 15 or so kilometres away from me is something way more tangible. I've seen, felt and smelt the problem and I wish that there was a way that we can stop what's going on. But a small group of guys can't make even a small dent on what's going on.