Friday, August 15, 2008


Every now and then, life get's complicated. It's not anything major but all the small little things that add up and form just one big mess.

In hall there are tons of cats that just amble around daily, meowing when they want food and perching themselves on ledges and stuff surveying their "kingdoms". Sigh. If only our lives could be as carefree as that. I guess that just comes with the territory as a sentient being. Knowing and understanding your surroundings in such an abstract manner is both a blessing and a curse. Many animals communicate through obvious and standard sets of actions and vocalisations. But humans have this tendancy to pass messages through often unseen and unheard mediums.

We are not telepathic!! At least not most of us. Mostly, we're just PATHEtic. That we all imagine ourselves here on Earth to fulfil some great destiny and become legends. I don't understand what is wrong with just BEING. No, I did not omit anything. I mean being as in just existing in this Earth for sole purpose of taking up otherwise unused space. What's with all the politic-ing and the scheming, etc? Why can't we all just exist together.

Enough randoming. It's 5.30 and I have lecture in 4 hrs. Bah!

[edit] [15/08/2008 @ 1424h] I missed the leacture. zzzzz.... [/edit]

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