Wednesday, July 04, 2007


I have no idea why but recently I've been really tired.
and sleeping isn't really helping. i slept a whole 9 1/2 hrs last night and I still yawned thru my day at the office. ?? wth?
it's really kinda irritating. cuz it's not like I've been stressing out abt something or been doing a lot of physical activity or anything of the sort.
lack of iron? low blood count? what's wrong with me!!??!

well. it's been four days into the new month and nothing perverse has happened to me. so I guess it was just bad karma in June. *touch wood*
frankly, if you asked me to tell you which parts of my body have been hurt/injured/bleed in the past month... well.. it'll be a lot easier on my to list out where hasn't been hurt. basically it's just my head and my left upper arm. maybe that's why I've been feeling tired? loss of blood?

but anyway. let's not focus on what's happened and onto what's to come in the months ahead. healing, I hope.

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